Garage Wall Guard

It protects walls in places with high intensity of vehicle traffic. Elastic rubber successfully prevents the wall or the car from getting scratched. It can be used inside or outside the building ( f.ex.: in halls, garages, car parks, warehouses, workshops)

Wall guards can be used in: garages, shops (protection against the edges of trolleys), car parks, warehouses, public places (as an outside wall guard), for trailers.

Its springy frame absorbs shocks protecting walls and other moving vehicles which have a contact with the wall.

The wall guard consists of a durable frame fixed to the wall and a flexible shock-absorbing cover, which is fixed directly to the frame. At the edges of the wall guard, there are plugs that hide the endings.



Product Reference

Garage Wall Guard


Internal installation


Commercial length: 1m, 1.5m, 2m
Width 90 mm


Elastic Rubber


Internal installation


Cushioning soft construction


Grey, Black


Let's Talk

Our team has decades of experience working across commercial projects just like yours. We’ve got the expertise, and the solutions to offer you a range of options to work within your specifications. If you’d like to discuss your requirements, get in touch with our team now.